Thursday, June 16, 2022

Additional Comments, Research and Points on Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) Section 1 Lesson 8

Additional Comments, Research and Points on Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) Section 1 Lesson 8

We all have friends. But how is Jehovah the best friend we can have? This is the focus of Lesson 8. Psalm 25:14 explained the close relationship when we become His friend. We can have a private conversation with Jehovah. He will listen.

Point 1 explained His loving invitation to us to be His friend. Through His Word, the Bible, we can know Him so well. Yes, we can't be friends with strangers. Learning what He is like enhances our friendship with Him.

Point 2 gives us the reasons why Jehovah is the best friend that we can have. Psalm 94:18,19 shows that He will support and comfort us. Unlike our human friends, they too need comfort and support. But not Jehovah. That's why He is the best!

Yes, in friendship we all have expectations. Point 3 notes that He expects us to avoid things He considers bad. As long as we do our best to please Him, we will be His friend.

Point 4 reminds us of the friendship of Jehovah and Abraham. We are familiar with this account. But I have learned a new point. While reading Genesis 12:1-4, Abram's name was changed to Abraham. For what reasons? Because of his obedience to Jehovah. We also do that right? We give names or endearment to our close friends. Sometimes we call them "Besties" or shortened forms of their names. This shows the closeness of our bonds to that person. Same to Jehovah and Abraham.

Point 5 shows that Jehovah expects us to obey Him. We need to make changes to our personality if necessary. And by doing so, we will benefit from it. 

Point 6 video about Sister Crystal entails that if we become friends of Jehovah, He will certainly be there for us. Like Crystal, He will never be judgmental. 

Point 7 discussed the importance of communication to strengthen a relationship. We need to pray to say what we feel. We need to read the Bible to hear Jehovah. Indeed, we can be Jehovah's friends.

Some People Say that it is impossible to be close to God. We can cite scriptures in James 2:23 about Abraham. We can also use Psalm 25:14.

Cherish our friendship with our dear God Jehovah!


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