Wednesday, December 26, 2018

JW Broadcasting - January 2019

Good day brothers and sisters! Welcome to our update regarding the 52th episode of JW Broadcasting. Can you imagine that? We will have 52 broadcasts of JW Broadcasting on January 2019. It means if you watch a program per week, it will take one year to complete them!

JW Broadcasting - January 2019 Updates

Before proceeding to update, let's talk about some things that happened in the past days:
  • For example, some of us may have attended one of our circuit assemblies for 2018-2019 (Be Bold! and Be Strong!); or maybe, some of you have attended both already. Did you enjoy the music prelude? On our assembly, we were surprised to hear these new music presentations. Friends are quietly sitting, feeling and enjoying the music. We all hope that they will make the music available for download in the near future.
  • Another thing, a new video featuring Caleb (Become Jehovah's Friend) entitled "Be Good in the Ministry" was released on It teaches us 3 things. We need to prepare, choose the right clothing and act in a modest way whenever we are in the ministry.
  • Another video, entitled "Does God Accept All Forms of Worship?" was made available for all. The 4-minute video will answer questions like why are there so many conflicting beliefs, and how can we tell if our worship is acceptable to God?
  • There is also a news item about the sale of our last Brooklyn property - One York Street. A total of 37 Brooklyn proerties were sold since 2004. Since 2016, our new world headquarters is in Warwick, New York. [Read the full article.]
  • A dedicated page inside was also setup to help everyone in the downloading, installation and updating of Watchtower Library - a Bible research tool.
  • And many others. Be sure to visit and hit the blue See What's New link to see all recent updates.

Now, what can we expect from the JW Broadcasting - January 2019? Who do think will be the host? What encouraging experiences will we see? What countries will be featured? Do you think we will get a new song-music video?

Well, for this month, we may not see experiences and music video. The title might be "JW Broadcasting—January 2019: Annual Meeting 2018". Yes brothers and sisters, it will be the Annual Meeting 2018. Last time, it was announced that these spiritual events will be part of the JW Broadcasting. (January 2018's broadcast featured the Annual Meeting 2017.)

On the other hand, here are some images from the January 2019 broadcast:

JW Broadcasting - January 2019 Host: Patrick Lafranca

(If you can't see the images above, please be patient because they will show up on its proper time. Check back later.)

Sources: / JW Broadcasting / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania


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