Additional Comments, Research and Points on Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) Section 1 Lesson 6
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Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) book |
Not all believe that life was created or a gift from God. There are underlying reasons why some people tend to doubt this fact. This lesson will highlight the origin of life and why we need to appreciate it.
Point 1 states that in the beginning, God created everything. The study note of Genesis 1:1 is a nice argument for those who believe in the Big Bang Theory. The Bible does not comment on exactly "how" God created everything. So even if a cosmic explosion produced the universe, that would not contradict what is stated in the Bible. The big question is, "Who" caused the Big Bang? So it is still God! So the point is clear, there is a Creator! God created everything through His active force, His fingers - the Holy Spirit.
Point 2 affirms that the earth was created for humans to live on it permanently. There is no other planet that can sustain life like the Earth. Billions of years had passed but scientists' claim about life on other planet is not yet proven. We can add to our research the 3:48 minute video "Why Did God Create the Earth?" for further proof of its uniqueness.
Point 3 make clear the difference between human to animals. Yes, we are created in God's image. Everyone knows that. We need to put an accent on what we can do because of this. We can show our faith by actions, unlike animals. We can worship Him. One of my Bible students asked me if animals have hope of resurrection. The student is an animal lover. So we made some research and found the answers! You can add this to your study. I won't tell you the answer. Haha!
Point 4 video played up how human designs were just copied from God's wonderful creations. For example, the Japan bullet train was copied from the king fisher's beak. The airplane's navigation was done by observing the monarch butterfly. Let us make our Bible students see how great is God.
Point 5 video discussed the days of creation. It shows that it is not a literal 24 hours per day. We are not "Creationists". The video points out that the "time" mentioned in Genesis 2:4 is infinite. It can't be measured in exactly 24 hours. You may use Insight and look for the term "Epoch" for the unmeasured time frame. Another point in this is about "Evolution". Genesis 1:21, 25, 27 clearly states that God created human "according" to its kind. So where is the evolution on that? Nothing. On this part, again someone asked me about dinosaurs. Are they real? Hahaha. Add it to your research. The answers are on our website. Share it too.
Point 6 spotlight that humans are a unique creation of God Jehovah. Indeed! We are not created from monkeys! We can love and show good judgment and mercy. Why? Because we are created in God's likeness.
In some people's say portion, if anyone says that the Bible is a myth you can define first the meaning of myth. What is it? Fictitious or imaginary things or persons or accounts. The Bible is not like that. All the accounts written on it are proven by history and archaeology. So it is not a myth!
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