Additional Comments, Research and Points on Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) Section 1 Lesson 5
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Enjoy Life Forever! (lff) book |
How will you defend the Bible's authenticity and truthfulness? This lesson will discuss the reason why we need to trust this book.
For information, you may ask your Bible student what he or she knows about the Bible. Who wrote it, are there any women who became Bible writers? If none, how does Jehovah shows that He didn't degrade women? You may include the book named after women like Esther and Ruth.
Point 1 emphasized that even though God used humans to write the Bible, it is still His word. He is still the author. Point 4 will give more details about this.
Point 2 shows Jehovah's love by allowing all sorts of people to read the Bible. He made it available to us. Point 6 will discuss more this.
At Point 3, the study note of Isaiah 40:8 gives more information about John Wycliffe who dedicated his life to translating the Bible. Jehovah's power is the reason why His word was protected and reached our time. The timeless principles on it proves that it is indeed God's word.
Point 4 video used the familiar illustration about a boss dictating his secretary to write something for him. Same as God's word, He guided these 40 men to put His thinking into writing. We can adapt our illustration depending on the age or background of our Bible student.
At point 5 video, it was about how Tyndale was used by God to protect His word by translating it to English language from Latin. He dedicated his life to this dangerous work. He loved God's word and the truth. Same as the writer of the Psalms 119 who was thought to be one of the prince in Israel who suffered. His love for God's word made him sacrificed.
Point 6 emphasizes that the Bible is for everyone. The worldwide distribution and translation shows that God wants all sorts of people to read it.
Some may say that the Bible is written by men and its old. We should not be angry about it. Yes it was written by men, chosen men. We may use 1 Thessalonian 2:3 to defend that they were able to wrote it because of God's holy spirit whom empowered them. And yes it is old, thousands of years ago but the content is timeless.
As witnesses of Jehovah we have all the reason to read the Bible daily. It will be shameful if our Bible student ask us if we have ever finish reading the Bible and we haven't. Make it our goal to read, read, read! And most of all, apply what we have learned.
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