During this month and the past month, we also missed hearing some new songs from JW Broadcasting. It's because December 2019 and January 2020 broadcast were replaced with 147th Gilead Graduation and Annual Meeting 2019, respectively. Both of these videos can be watched at JW.org website.
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JW Broadcasting - February 2020 Updates |
Now, in case you missed checking on the What's New, here are some picks:
- First, the Philippines is experiencing a hit from natural calamity, again. This time, it is from the eruption of Taal Volcano in the province of Batangas, Philippines. Over 500 of our brothers were evacuated to safer areas.
- We are also very happy to know that South Korea gave a special amnesty for the 1,879 conscientious objectors who were recently released from prison. With this amnesty, our released brothers are now free from several civil restrictions like taking exams for nationally recognized licenses.
- How about a new home? That's what our brothers in Britain experienced at the beginning of 2020. According to our official website, they "began moving into the new Bethel facility located near Chelmsford, Essex. By early March 2020, all of the full-time branch volunteers will be living and working at the new branch office."
- Puerto Rico was hit by earthquakes too! The first one is a magnitude 6.4, which is followed by hundreds of smaller quakes and aftershocks. After a few days, another magnitude 5.9 rocked the island. Hundreds of our brothers and sisters were displaced. Several Kingdom Halls were also damaged.
- Lastly, our brothers were also affected by the large bushfire in Australia. There is a significant loss of property and hundreds of our brothers were also evacuated.
We are always praying that Jehovah will give them faith and strength to endure all of these natural calamities.
Now, let's go back to the main topic of this article. Yes, sometimes we missed something; but we're also excited about something. That's the February 2020 broadcast of the JW Broadcasting. What do you think will be featured? What will be the song about? Check these images:
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JW Broadcasting - February 2020 Host |

(If you can't see the images above, please be patient because they will show up on its proper time. Bookmark this page and check back later.)
Sources: JW.org / JW Broadcasting / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania
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