Saturday, January 20, 2018

Illustration: Resisting the Spirit of the World

There was a ruler who was looking for a new carriage driver. He had his people search the land and they brought the three most qualified drivers before him. He had them brought to a high cliff with a sharp drop-off. He then proceed to ask them how close to the edge they could get with a carriage drawn...

Friday, January 19, 2018

Illustration: Why Preaching is Important

What would you do if you were walking down the street and, as you came to the corner, a man was there holding $100 bills. As you walked up to cross the street he handed you one. When you asked him what it was for he just said it was for you. When you asked why, he just smiled and said because he wanted to. Then, with a big smile on his face he told you he had a whole box full of $100 bills and would...

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Illustration: What To Do When Stumbled?

Supposed you were walking outside and then someone, perhaps your brother, came up and put something in your way and you trip over it and fall, you stumbled. Would you just lay there and say "I'm stumbled!"? When someone comes along to help you up would you say, "Leave me alone, I'm stumbled!"? Would...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 15, 2018 - What’s New on JW.ORG

In case you missed them, our website just added new items today (January 15, 2018). Check them below: See What's New button at THE WATCHTOWER—STUDY EDITION (SIMPLIFIED) April 2018. This issue contains the study articles for June 4 to July 8, 2018. It discusses topics like real freedom,...

Monday, January 15, 2018

JW Theocratic Software and Apps for Microsoft Windows, Google Android and Apple iOS [Updated]

The goal of this page is simple. It is to compile all those useful Theocratic software and apps that we Jehovah's Witnesses use. We will list them, describe them (if we can), and provide you details on where you can download and install them. At times, we may provide how-tos and tutorials too. These...

Illustration: Journey as Christians

Try to imagine that all of us in Jehovah’s organization are sticking to it and doing what we are supposed to be doing, and giving our best to Jehovah. It's like we are all riding along in a train together to the new system. Riding along in a train together to the new system As we ride along, the...

2018 Regional Convention Theme, Badge and Invitation

First month of 2018, yay! Aside from the monthly broadcast (from JW Broadcasting) and Circuit Assemblies, what else are we excited about this year? As the title says, yes, the 2018 Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses around the earth. Aside from your typical convention location , this year's...

Sunday, January 14, 2018

We'll Never Let Go Lyrics - 143rd Gilead Graduation "The Inside Story"

During the 143rd Gilead Graduation a beautiful song was performed by selected students. The song has a theme related to our past Regional Convention. It is entitled as "We'll Never Let Go". You can watch the original performance at the segment "The Inside Story." [Watch the whole program at] Now,...