Friday, September 18, 2015

JW Broadcasting: October 2015 Broadcast Will Be on October 5

Next month's broadcast will mark the first year of JW Broadcasting in the Internet. We watched a lot, listened a lot and learned a lot during the past months. Many of us were always excited with the program, the song (at the end of the program) and the experiences by our brothers and sisters worldwide.

So, the 1st year anniversary broadcast of JW Broadcasting will be on October 5, 2015 - Monday, (assuming that it will follow the first-Monday-of-the-month posting schedule). Some of us might think that this will be a longer program. There are a lot of things to be excited about the coming broadcast. But;

We think here at RMO Video that we can't update this website to the earliest possible. We will be very busy on that week and posting new contents here might be impossible. We are able to do that maybe a week after. It means that just in case there will be new song, its music video and lyrics might be posted here a week later. Yes, that was sad for us.

Well, for you, just watch and enjoy the program!

By the way, here are some important contents from RMO Video:
1. Download JW Broadcasting - Original Songs in MP3
2. List of Music Videos from JW Broadcasting

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