Sunday, May 29, 2016

JW Broadcasting - June 2016

UPDATE 06/06/16: It's here! There's a new music video. Check the links below:

Once again, welcome to the JW Broadcasting update. We are now waiting for the June 2016 broadcast which will be available next week. What are you expecting for the month of June?

JW Broadcasting - June 2016

At the date of availability, the third week of Remain Loyal to Jehovah! Regional Convention have already taken place. Some brothers are talking about more major adjustments and historical changes. Why? Because it's now less than 3 months before the World Headquarters will be transferred to Warwick, New York.

The remaining buildings are now scheduled for completion by September 1, 2016.

Does it mean that there will be no more tours in Brooklyn for now? Let's wait for further announcements.

Back to the June 2016 broadcast, who do you think will be the host of the program? It was brother Morris III last month so a helper will be for this month. We are going to update this page. Stay tuned!

Sources: / JW Broadcasting / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania


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