Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Video Showings and Electronic Placements on Revised Field Service Reports

A letter (dated October 2015) is now posted on our Kingdom Hall discussing some more changes on the way we will record our monthly field service report. The effectivity of the reports arrangement will be on January 2016.

It is stated there that all placements (can be printed or electronic) will be reported in one category which is named as “Placements”. And if you are wondering what are those “electronic placements”, it includes video files, books, magazines (or even articles) you copied and sent to anyone you are witnessing. “Electronic placements” also include even links to our JW.org website!

Another category is the “Video Showings”. You count the number of times you showed our videos to someone you’re witnessing and then fill that number on this category. Amazing!

On the other hand, hours, return visits and Bible studies will stay the same. Well, we really look forward to this! Agape.


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