Produced by various brothers, but not endorsed nor affiliated with the branch or its representatives.
KHS (Kingdom Hall Schedules) (Windows) [
A program for elders and ministerial servants who creates and maintains many of the schedules needed by a congregation. The use a of single program interface allows several brothers in the same congregation to exchange data with each other and provides the CBOE with an overview of the schedules to be posted.
TheocBase (Windows, macOS X, Linux, Android, iOS) [
Midweek and weekend meeting scheduling software with mobile device app companion for different platforms. It also prints assignment slips for students and assistants. It can also be used for arranging congregation territories.
Ministry Assistant (Android) [
A help for Jehovah's Witnesses in their field service to quickly take notes and stay organized. It's very easy to keep track of your territories, all your return visits, your service time for the month and plan your day or week of door to door ministry.
Hourglass (iOS, Android,
Web-based) [
Software for congregation secretaries. Information from Publisher Record Cards is stored electronically for easy access and updating. Publishers can electronically submit reports from their mobile phones. Compile the monthly report for the Branch instantly. See detailed service reports and Regular Pioneer progress at any time.
SoundBox (Windows) [
Designed for use at Kingdom Halls where a PC is used to record meetings and play videos and songs. However, support will end after December 2018 as JW Library app is now used for yeartext and artwork showing as well as video and song playing. They are now working on two open-source applications, OnlyT and OnlyR. Check the next item below:
OnlyT and
OnlyR (Windows)
OnlyT, a program for timing congregation meetings. [
OnlyR, a program for recording congregation meetings. [
Compatible with most modern OS) [
An online software developed exclusively for Kingdom Halls. It aims to replace a regular information board with an interactive platform. Each brother can upload the scheduled, letters and other announcements at home, and everything will be synchronized and available at a TV on the Kingdom Hall. Currently under development.
Multi-Terr (Windows) [
An application developed to help the congregation manage its territory. Multi-Terr has made great efforts to facilitate the transfer of doors between congregations. In Multi-Terr version 4, special attention has been given to language groups, adding tools that will help to manage the constantly moving and growing territories. The integration of Google Maps technology allows to define territory boundaries and to share them on-line.
Meeting Schedule Assistant 2018 (Windows) [
Meeting Schedule Assistant is designed to help you create a simple report for the various assignments at the Kingdom Hall. You can specify which brothers to use for Sound Console, Platform & Stage, Platform Microphone, Microphone Handlers and Attendants.
Equipd Bible App (iOS) [
Yes, a Bible app, equipped with different features. That's it.